
SP4: Health Economic Evaluation

Short description

This subproject is concerned with the health economic evaluation of BETTER CARE interventions from the societal perspective. For this purpose, the health and psychosocial care services used by the study participants in the will be completely recorded and valued in monetary terms, the participants’ subjective quality of life will be assessed and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) will be generated. These data form the basis for an incremental cost-utility analysis to determine the necessary maximum willingness to pay for one year of life in full health by the BETTER CARE intervention in addition to routine care.

Location: Ulm

Project details

SP3: Implementation of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for young refugees

Short description

The subproject addresses treatment barriers for unaccompanied young refugees (e.g. . limited number of therapy places for trauma-focused, evidence-based psychotherapy for young refugees in Germany). The project aims to improve the psychotherapeutic care of young refugees through the dissemination and implementation of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT). Within the subproject, interpreters will be prepared for the specific challenges of translating psychotherapies via a certified online workshop.

Location: Eichstätt

Project details


Prof. Dr. Christine Knaevelsrud, Freie Universität Berlin

SP1: Development of an online tool to assess psychological distress in refugees

Short description

Reliable and culturally adjusted psychodiagnostic instruments (e.g. questionnaires, standardised interviews) are urgently needed in the psychosocial care of and research with refugees. Therefore, subproject 1 develops and evaluates a modular, online-based tool providing free and open source psychodiagnostics instruments in the languages most relevant to the current refugee population.

Location: Leipzig

Project details

SP2: Developing a transdiagnostic (online-) intervention for refugees in Germany

Short description

This subproject comprises the cultural adaptation of a transdiagnostic treatment program for Arabic-speaking refugees in Germany. The „Common Elements Treatment Approach“ (short: CETA) addresses psychological problems that are particularly common in refugees (e.g. anxiety, trauma-related symptoms). Next, a digital equivalent of the CETA intervention will be developed in cooperation with refugees and other relevant stakeholders: the ALMAMAR-App.

Location: Berlin

Project details

SP3: Internet-based versus face-to-face transdiagnostic treatment for mental health problems in Arabic-speaking refugees

Short description

The subproject I-REACH SP3 investigates the effectiveness of a psychotherapeutic treatment for Arabic-speaking refugees and migrants, which is being applied for the first time in the German context. The intervention called ALMAMAR is either delivered internet-based or face-to-face. In the study we want to find out whether this intervention helps Arabic-speaking people who suffer from psychological stress.

Location: Berlin

Refugees can participate: Yes
Target audience: Arabisch- und farsisprachige Personen ab 18 mit Wohnsitz in Berlin oder Brandenburg
Project details

SP4: Implementation of the ALMAMAR app for refugees in inpatient psychiatric care

Short description

The subproject I-REACH SP4 investigates the implementation of a blended-care approach in inpatient psychiatric-psychotherapeutic care of refugees with mental illness. With blended-care we describe the combination of face-to-face treatment and parallel use of internet-based therapeutic elements. For this purpose, internet-based psychotherapeutic elements in the mother tongue are offered in addition to treatment as usual in the participating psychiatric clinics for Arabic and Farsi speaking patients (intervention group). Acceptance and satisfaction are evaluated with the offered treatment and treatment results are compared to a control group (treatment as usual).

Location: Cologne

Project details


Prof. Dr. Rita Rosner | Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

SP3: Implementation of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for young refugees

Short description

The subproject addresses treatment barriers for unaccompanied young refugees (e.g. . limited number of therapy places for trauma-focused, evidence-based psychotherapy for young refugees in Germany). The project aims to improve the psychotherapeutic care of young refugees through the dissemination and implementation of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT). Within the subproject, interpreters will be prepared for the specific challenges of translating psychotherapies via a certified online workshop.

Location: Eichstätt

Project details

SP4: Health Economic Evaluation

Short description

This subproject is concerned with the health economic evaluation of BETTER CARE interventions from the societal perspective. For this purpose, the health and psychosocial care services used by the study participants in the will be completely recorded and valued in monetary terms, the participants’ subjective quality of life will be assessed and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) will be generated. These data form the basis for an incremental cost-utility analysis to determine the necessary maximum willingness to pay for one year of life in full health by the BETTER CARE intervention in addition to routine care.

Location: Ulm

Project details

SP5: Improving Mental Health Care for Unaccompanied Young Refugees through a Stepped Care Approach – Institutional Environment

Short description

In order to meet the needs of distressed UYR, collaboration between child and youth welfare system (CYWS) and mental health services is crucial. The aim of SP5 is to find out more about existing structures and collaborations between the relevant actors in the field. Collaboration is especially important in the proposed stepped care approach BETTER CARE, therefore we will assess conditions and motivation in CYWS residential care facilities to successfully implement mental health services for unaccompanied young refugees.

Location: Munich

Project details

SP1: Recruitment of youth services

Short description

With the joint project "BETTER CARE" we want to contribute to the improvement of psychotherapeutic care for unaccompanied young refugees in Germany. Within the project, a stepped care approach will be developed, implemented and compared with the standard care in Germany with regard to its effectiveness. In SP1, the recruitment of youth welfare institutions that are interested in implementing the stepped care approach in their residential groups will be promoted.

Project details

SP2: Screening and implementation of the group program "My Way"

Short description

"BETTER CARE" develops a stepped care approach to improve psychotherapeutic care for unaccompanied young refugees in Germany. In the sub-project SP2, screenings are conducted together with SP1, which serve as a basis for the stepped care approach. In addition, SP2 is responsible for the subsequent implementation of the preventive group program "My Way".


Project details

SP2: Developing a transdiagnostic (online-) intervention for refugees in Germany

Short description

This subproject comprises the cultural adaptation of a transdiagnostic treatment program for Arabic-speaking refugees in Germany. The „Common Elements Treatment Approach“ (short: CETA) addresses psychological problems that are particularly common in refugees (e.g. anxiety, trauma-related symptoms). Next, a digital equivalent of the CETA intervention will be developed in cooperation with refugees and other relevant stakeholders: the ALMAMAR-App.

Location: Berlin

Project details