START Childcare: a program for crèche children and their parents with a migration background or experience of flight
We would like to invite you to participate in the free training program for early childhood educators "Cultural Sensitivity and Psychological Stress". The project consists of two parts: a training program for early childhood educators and a scientific study to which the early childhood educators and the parents of the daycare children are invited.
What is a study?
What is psychotherapy?
We are looking for study participants
We are looking for crèches and daycare centers that care for children (0-3 years) and their parents with a migration background and/or refugee experience
With your participation in the study, you are making a valuable contribution to making it easier for families with a migration and/or refugee background to enter early education facilities. Furthermore, you help us to improve our offers for daycare centers. The study also offers the opportunity to observe your personal experience as well as the development of your child over several points in time and thus the chance to learn more about yourself.
The goal of the free training "Cultural Sensitivity and Psychological Stress" is especially to reduce your stress experience and that of your parents. In addition, we would like to investigate to what extent the training also has an indirect effect on the development of the children. Children who may have experienced a traumatic event should receive support in everyday life and, if necessary, the transition to appropriate care systems should be facilitated.
In addition to the one-day training, we would like to offer supervisions after the training. During the supervision sessions we would like to initiate a conscious examination of your own cultural imprint and enrich or deepen the knowledge you have learned through exercises and your own experiences.
In order to test the effectiveness of the training, we would like to interview both you and the parents of the children by means of questionnaires.
Study procedures
The training comprises approx. 4 - 5 hours and can be individually adapted to your institution, for example on one day or spread over two afternoons.
The scope and content of the supervision sessions can also be adapted to your needs. The timeframe can be about two supervisions of 90 minutes each.
If you agree to participate, we will ask you and the parents to fill in some questionnaires via an online portal before the training. Later, we will ask you to complete the questionnaires three more times: after the training, six months after the training, and 12 months after the training.
We will also ask you questions via a smartphone app on several days that relate to your immediate experience and a specific situation. Participation in the study is voluntary.
Erhebung vor der Teilnahme an der Schulung (inkl. E-Diaries)
Schulung der pädagogischen Fachkräfte
Erhebung nach der Teilnahme an der Schulung (inkl. E-Diaries)
Erhebung nach der Teilnahme an der Schulung nach 6 Monaten
Erhebung nach der Teilnahme an der Schulung nach 12 Monaten